- How much (more) is fair to pay? The ethics of merit in assessing poverty wages in organizations (coauthored with Javier Pinto) International Journal of Ethics and Systems (2024) https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOES-06-2023-0132
- Circular subsidiarity: Humanizing work through relational goods (coauthored with Ana Marta González), Business and Society Review (2024) https://doi.org/10.1111/basr.12333.
- María como arquetipo de libertad: Un análisis de la evolución histórica de las advocaciones de la Virgen (coauthored with Antonio Moreno), Cauriensia. Revista anual de Ciencias Eclesiásticas, 18, 1105-1138 (2023). Doi: https://doi.org/10.17398/2340-4256.18.1105.
- A Personalist Approach to Business Ethics: New Perspectives for Virtue Ethics and Servant Leadership (coauthored with Kleio Akrivou and Manuels Fernandezs), Business Ethics: the Environment & Responsibility, 32(S2), 145–158 (2023) .DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/beer.12435.
- Whose work? Which markets? Rethinking work and markets in light of virtue ethics (coauthored with Javier Pinto and Martin Schlag), Business Ethics: the Environment & Responsibility, 32(S1), 4-14 (2023). DOI:https://doi.org/10.1111/beer.12507
- The role of empathy in shared intentionality: Contributions from Inter-Processual Self theory, (coauthored with Elkin Luis, Martín Martínez, Kleio Akrivou, Martín Aoiz, and José Víctor Orón, Frontiers in Psychology (2023).
- Innovation as a practice: Why automation will not kill innovation? (coauthored with Dulce Redín, Goretti Cabaleiro-Cerviño and Ignacio Rodriguez-Carreño) Frontiers in Psychology (2023), DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1045508.
- Exploring the vulnerability of practice-like activities: an ethnographic perspective (coauthored with Yemisi Bolade-Ogunfodun, Matthew Sinnicks and Kleio Akrivou) Frontiers in Sociology (2022). DOI: 10.3389/fsoc.2022.1003741.
- The Narrative Dimension of Productive Work: Craftsmanship and Collegiality in the Quest for Excellence in Modern Productivity (coauthored with Javier Pinto and Carlos Rodríguez Lluesma) Philosophy of Management (2022). DOI: thttps://doi.org/10.1007/s40926-021-00188-8.
- La lógica del don en las relaciones humanas: Economía y reciprocidad a la luz de los radicales polianos (coauthored with Antonio Moreno), Studia Poliana, 24, pp. 133-158 (2022). DOI: 10.15581/013.24.
- The interprocessual-self theory in support of human neuroscience studies (coauthored with Elkin Oswaldo Luis, Kleio Akrivou, José Víctor Orón Semper and Elena Bermejo-Martins), Frontiers in Psychology, 21, 245-264 (2022) (ISSN: 1664-1078).
- Person-Centered Leadership: The Practical Idea as a Dynamic Principle for Ethical Leadership (coauthored with Ricardo Murcio), Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 12, pp. 3133 (2021), (ISSN: 1664-1078), DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2021.708849
- Colored Heirloom Corn as a Public Good: The Case of Tlaxcala, Mexico (coauthored with Marisol Velázquez and Carmen Shanks), Sustainability, 13, 1507 (2021). DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su13031507
- Anthropological Foundations for Innovation in Organizations (coauthored with José Víctor Orón and Kleio Akrivou), American Journal of Management, 21(2), pp. 157-165 (2021).
- Pricing for a Common Good: Beyond Ethical Minimalism in Commercial Practices (coauthored with Javier Pinto and Ignacio Ferrero), Philosophy of Management, 20(3), 271-291 (2021). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40926-020-00162-w.
- Autonomy and Subordination: Virtuous Work in Light of Aristotelian Practical Knowledge in Organizational Theory (coauthored with Javier Pinto and Ignacio Ferrero), Business & Professional Ethics Journal, 40(1), pp. 47–80 (2021), (ISSN: Print 0277-2027, and Online 2153-7828) DOI: 10.5840/bpej20201227104.
- Applying the Contemplative Technopedagogy Framework: Insights for Teaching Ethics using TV Series (coauthored with Justin Shanks and Teresa Nicolás), Journal of Business Ethics Education, 18 (2021), (ISSN: 1649-5195, e-ISSN: 2044-4559).
- From Maryʼs Motherhood to the Immaculate Conception: An iconographic analysis of Marian art in Spain during the tenth to nineteenth centuries (coauthored with Antonio Moreno), Religions, 12: 1061 (2021), (ISSN 2077-1444).
- La ética católica y el espíritu del capitalismo: don y contrato en la Escuela de Salamanca (coauthored with Antonio Moreno), Fe y Libertad, Vol. 3, Núm. 1 y 2, pp. 59-78 (2020), (ISSN: Print 2708-745X, and Online: 2709-3824).
- Trabajo, don, cultura y economía: Hacia un nuevo enfoque del problema económico (coauthored with Miguel Alfonso Martínez Echevarría), Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía, Vol. 47, pp. 379-399 (2020), (ISSN: 0210-4857).
- La Escuela de Salamanca según José Barrientos: Origen, difusión e impacto intelectual en la Europa de la Edad Moderna Siglos XVI al XVIII (coauthored with Antonio Moreno), Cauriensia, Vol. XV, pp. 279-299 (2020), (ISSN: 1886-4945), DOI: https://doi.org/10.17398/2340-4256.15.279.
- Autoconocimiento y desarrollo de virtudes humanas como base para el ejercicio profesional ético. Análisis de una experiencia evaluativa en el contexto universitario (coauthored with Marcela Chavarría-Olarte), Revista Panamericana de Pedagogía Saberes y Quehaceres del Pedagogo, 30(2), pp. 108-123, (2020).
- In Search of a Fitting Moral Psychology for Practical Wisdom: Exploring a Missing Link in Virtuous Management (coauthored with Kleio Akrivou), Business Ethics: a European Review, 29(S1), pp. 33-44, (2020), DOI: 10.1111/beer.12295.
- How differing conceptions of integrity and self-integration influence relationships: Implications for management, personal and professional development (coauthored with Kleio Akrivou and José Víctor Orón), Archives of Psychology, Vol. 4, issue 1, pp. 1-26 (2020) (ISSN 2573-7899 Print and 2573-7902 Online).
- Inteligencia Práctica versus Inteligencia Artificial: El Futuro de la Acción Directiva en las Empresas (coauthored with Ricardo Murcio and Jorge Llaguno), Empresa y Humanismo, Vol. XXII, 1, pp. 65-86, (2020) (ISSN: 1139-7608, DOI: 10.15581/015.XXIII.1.65-86).
- Educational Implications that Arise from Differing Models of Human Development and their Repercussions for Social Innovation (coauthored with Kleio Akrivou and José Víctor Orón), Frontiers in Education, 4:139 (2019) (ISSN: 2504-284X, DOI: 10.3389/feduc.2019.00139).
- Concepciones de ética profesional: la experiencia de los estudiantes de la Escuela de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (coauthored with Sara Galbán and Claudia Ortega), Revista de Humanidades, 36, pp. 233-252 (2019) (ISSN 1130-5029, e-ISSN: 2340-8995).
- Aristotelian Phronesis as a Key Factor for Leadership in the Knowledge-Creating Company according to Ikujiro Nonaka (coauthored with Guillermo Fariñas), Cuadernos de Administración, 31 (57), pp. 19-44 (2019) (ISSN 0120-3592, E-ISSN 1900-7205).
- Rebuilding the Temple of Graces: Why "the Gift" Should be Placed Back on the Social Realm (coauthored with Antonio Moreno and Ma. de los Ángeles Padilla), Oeconomia, nº 8, 2 (sept), pp.139-155 (2018) (ISSN 2269-8450, DOI: 10.4000/oeconomia.2858).
- El Management como práctica: Una aproximación a la naturaleza del trabajo directivo (coauthored with Santiago García), Empresa y Humanismo, Vol. XII, nº 1, pp. 95-119 (2018) (ISSN 1139-7608).
- El don, fundamento de la vida económica y social (coauthored with Antonio Moreno), Cultura Económica, Vol. XXXV, nº 94, pp. 21-46 (2017) (ISSN: 0326-3398).
- Sobre contratos y usura en Manuel Rodriguez, el Lusitano (coauthored with Virginia Aspe), Cauriensia, Vol. XI, pp. 83-111 (2016) (ISSN: 1886-4945).
- Del dominio a la propiedad individual (coauthored with Miguel Alfonso Martínez Echevarría), Cauriensia, Vol. XI, pp. 247-262 (2016) (ISSN: 1886-4945).
- La influencia de Suárez en la configuración de un nuevo orden económico. Elementos para un debate sobre la génesis de la teoría económica moderna (coauthored with Miguel Alfonso Martínez Echevarría), Revista Empresa y Humanismo, Vol. XIX, nº 1, pp. 113-134 (2016) (ISSN: 1139-7608)
- Fundamentos antropológicos de la innovación económica (coauthored with Miguel Alfonso Martínez Echevarría), Revista Empresa y Humanismo, Vol. XVIII, nº 1, pp. 7-32 (2015) (ISSN: 1139-7608).
- Génesis del pensamiento económico: dos visiones en pugna, Cauriensia, Vol. IX, pp. 341-374 (2014) (ISSN: 1886-4945).
- Epistemological Foundations for the Relationship Between Ethics and Finance, Finance and the Common Good (Finance et Bien Commun, Observatoire de la Finance), nº 40-41, pp. 134-145 (2013) (ISSN: 2295-9130, 1422-4658).
- Inquires into the Genealogy of Self-interest in Adam Smith, Revista Empresa y Humanismo, coordinated by Dr. Raquel Lazaro, Vol. XIII, pp. 249-268 (2010) (ISSN: 1139-7608).