XXXVIII Congreso Universitario Centroamericano: "Buscando la felicidad"
Club Universitario Balanyá en Guatemala (September 15-18, 2022)
Congreso Mundial virtual "Ideas centrales de la filosofía de Leonardo Polo"
Instituto de estudios filosóficos Leonardo Polo (November 2-5, 2021)
The 28th International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference: “Economic Justice and the Common Good”
Institute for Business & Professional Ethics at DePaul University, Chicago, USA (October 21-23, 2021)
Presentation: "How much (more) is fair to pay? Virtue Ethics on Minimum Wages."
The 21st IESE International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society: “The Future of Work. Promoting Dignity and Human Flourishing”
Barcelona, Spain (July 12-13, 2021)
Presentation: “After MacIntyre. Towards a Personalist Virtue Ethics Approach to Business and Leadership”
AOM Specialized Conference: Advancing Management Research in Latin America
IPADE, Mexico City (April 15-17, 2020)
Presentation: "Managerial Action and Practical Wisdom in Carlos Llano" (with Ricardo Murcio and Santiago García)
Panel: Work-family balance: Realities and Perspectives for Latin America (with Patricia Debeljuh, Kleio Akrivou, Sandra Idrovo, Alejandra Moreno)
The 26th International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference (IVBEC): “Ethics and Capitalism”
Dublin City University, Ireland (October 24-26, 2019)
Presentation: "Revisiting the Self-interest Paradigm as the cornerstone for capitalism in the light of a personalist virtue ethics proposal" (with Kleio Akrivou)
Annual Conference of the Society for Business Ethics
Boston, USA (August 9-11, 2019)
Presentation: "An ethnographic study of culture in a post-acquisition institutional context in the U.K.: MacIntyrean practice struggling for survival" (with Oluyemisi Bolade-Ogunfodun and Kleio Akrivou)
2019 Research Management Learning and Education (RMLE) UNconference
University of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia (July 1-2, 2019)
Presentation: "Management education implications that arise from differing models of human development and self-theories as basis for management practice and their understanding of cognition. Revisiting Ghosal (with a new twist)" (with Kleio Akrivou)
EURAM 2019, European Academy of Management, Exploring the Future of Management: Facts, Fashion and Fado
Lisbon, Portugal (June 26-28, 2019)
Presentation: "Inter-processual integrity: A theoretical proposition of human agency that enables practical wisdom in the governance and management of business organizations" (With Kleio Akrivou)
II Jornada de Actualización, Institute for Business and Humanism
Pamplona, Spain (October 24-26, 2018)
Presentation: “Innovación, cultura y economía: Notas sobre el desarrollo humano”
XXIV Bibliographic Seminar, AEDOS
Madrid, Spain (October 23, 2018)
Presentation: "Racionalidad Económica: Fundamentos, Evolución y Sentido"
International Network in Ethics and Education, University of Peloponnesse
Corinth, Greece (October 17-18, 2018)
Presentation: “Τhe Inter-Processual Self”: A new interdisciplinary theory of Human Agency and Human Development: Ethical dimensions and virtues of educational leadership”
Annual Conference of the Society for Business Ethics
Chicago, USA (August 10-12, 2018)
Presentation: "Carlos Llano on Practical Wisdom," in Practical Wisdom in Business and Management
X International Conference on Catholic Social Thought & Business Education & VI Colloquium on Christian Humanism in Business & Society
Minneapolis, USA (June 21-23, 2018)
Presentation: "A Virtue Ethics Approach to Production" (with Miguel Alfonso Martínez-Echevarría)
Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC)
Guadalajara, Mexico (June 8-10, 2018)
Presentation: "Exploring Virtue Ethics' Contribution to Family Firms" (with Héctor Ramirez)
XXVI Congreso Internacional de EBEN (European Business Ethics Network)
Malaga, Spain (May 31-June 1, 2018)
Presentation: "Anthropology of Economics: Towards a Virtue Ethics Approach to Production" (with Miguel Alfonso Martínez-Echevarría)
IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Personalismo: "Personalismo, justicia y ciudadanía"
Puebla, Mexico (August 28-30, 2017)
Presentation: "Cibernética y racionalidad: Hacia una visión personalista de la empresa" (with Santiago García)
Academy of Management Annual Conference: "At the Interface"
Atlanta, USA (August 4-8, 2017)
Presentation: "Virtue Ethics in Business: Bridging the Interfaces Between Research, Teaching and Practice" (Profesional Development Workshop with A. Sison, D. Moosmayer, D. Koehn, M. Hühn, I. Ferrero, J. Pinto, C. Rodriguez-Lluesma, R. Roque, M. Alzola and A. Hennig)
Interdisciplinary Conference "Building Bridges in a Complex World"
Chania, Crete, Greece (6-8 July, 2017)
Presentation: Inter-processual integrity: A theoretical proposition of human integrity that enables governance with the capacity for “building bridges” via sustainable human relations on the basis of trust (with Kleio Akrivou).
Inclusive Growth Summit "Persona, Empresa y Sociedad"
IPADE Business School, Mexico (26-27 June, 2017)
Presentation: El Management como práctica: una aproximación a la naturaleza del trabajo directivo (with Santiago García)
VII Congreso Internacional sobre Educación Digital y Gestión del Talento Humano CIFCOM2017
Orlando, USA (16-18 May, 2017)
Presentation: ¿Entretenimiento masivo o aprendizaje significativo a distancia? El uso de las series de televisión como herramientas docentes para la enseñanza de la ética profesional en un curso masivo abierto a distancia (MOOC) (with María Teresa Nicolás and Armando Alemán)
Thematic Doctoral Consortium: “Enterprise Before and Beyond Benefit: A Transdisciplinary Research Agenda for Prosocial Organizing”, Ivey Business School, London, Canada (April 8-9, 2017).
Presentation: "The Logic of Gift: an Empirical Test"
V International Colloquium on Christian humanism in Economic and Business: "Christian Humanism Challenged by Poverty, Inequality and Injustice", Berlin (October 24-25, 2016).
Presentation: "Insights from Catholic Social Teaching on ecology and its relationship with economic and human development"
VI World Congress of the International Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics (ISBEE): Ethics, Innovation, and Well-Being in Business and the Economy, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, China (July 13-16, 2016)
Presentation: "The logic of gift and social capital in the early development of financial institutions in Spain"
Panel: "Business Ethics in Latin America"
II Congreso de Ética Profesional y Responsabilidad Social Universitaria, UNAM, Mexico (May 11-13, 2016)
Presentation: "Concepciones de ética profesional: la experiencia de los estudiantes de la Escuela de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales"
V ESHET Latin-American Conference on the History of Economic Thought, Santiago, Chile (November 25-27, 2015)
Presentation: "Suarez and Modern Economic Theory"
XII ALENE Latin- American Conference: Ethics, Innovation and Wellbeing in Latin America, Santiago, Chile (November 22-23, 2015)
Presentation: "Anthropological foundation of innovation and Nonaka on Practical Wisdom" (With Guillermo Fariñas)
IFERA Regional Forum, IPADE, Mexico (November 10-13 2015)
Working Paper: "Applying Nonaka´s model on Family business succession" (with María Galarza Heras)
Conference Prudent Business: Practical Wisdom for Managers, Humanistic Management Network and Weltethos Institut, Tüebingen, Germany (October 8-9, 2015).
Presentation: "Prudence as Part of a Worldview: Historical and conceptual dimensions"
EBEN Research Conference 2015: Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics, Copenhagen, Denmark (October 1-3, 2015).
Presentation: "Gift, Economics and Society"
International Workshop: Vigencia intelectual del siglo de oro. De la teología al hecho económico, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid, Spain (June 19, 2015).
Presentation: "Moral economics in Manuel Rodriguez"
IV International Colloquium on Christian humanism in Economic and Business, IESE, Barcelona, Spain (April 20-21, 2015).
Presentation: "Gift, Economics and Society. Elements for an open debate"
Conference to Faculty Staff, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico (20 March 2015).
Presentation: "Fundamentos antropológicos de la economía"
Graduation Ceremony, Universidad Panamericana, Aguascalientes, MExico (November 10, 2014).
Presentation: “El sentido universitario del trabajo y las riquezas”
Annual Academic Meeting, Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara, México (November 8, 2014).
Presentation: “Consistencia: más allá de la eficacia y la eficiencia. Una introducción al modelo organizacional de J. A. Pérez López”
International Seminar Leadership and Humanism Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, España (August 25, 2011).
Presentation: “Liderazgo servidor”
VII STOREP Conference The shifting boundaries between public and private in economics, University of Trento, Trento, Italy (July 2, 2010).
Presentation: “Aristotle on money”
VI Annual Conference. Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester (United Kingdom) (September 3, 2009).
Presentation: "Inquires into the genealogy of self- interest in Adam Smith. A neo-stoic approach"
Club Universitario Balanyá en Guatemala (September 15-18, 2022)
Congreso Mundial virtual "Ideas centrales de la filosofía de Leonardo Polo"
Instituto de estudios filosóficos Leonardo Polo (November 2-5, 2021)
The 28th International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference: “Economic Justice and the Common Good”
Institute for Business & Professional Ethics at DePaul University, Chicago, USA (October 21-23, 2021)
Presentation: "How much (more) is fair to pay? Virtue Ethics on Minimum Wages."
The 21st IESE International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society: “The Future of Work. Promoting Dignity and Human Flourishing”
Barcelona, Spain (July 12-13, 2021)
Presentation: “After MacIntyre. Towards a Personalist Virtue Ethics Approach to Business and Leadership”
AOM Specialized Conference: Advancing Management Research in Latin America
IPADE, Mexico City (April 15-17, 2020)
Presentation: "Managerial Action and Practical Wisdom in Carlos Llano" (with Ricardo Murcio and Santiago García)
Panel: Work-family balance: Realities and Perspectives for Latin America (with Patricia Debeljuh, Kleio Akrivou, Sandra Idrovo, Alejandra Moreno)
The 26th International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference (IVBEC): “Ethics and Capitalism”
Dublin City University, Ireland (October 24-26, 2019)
Presentation: "Revisiting the Self-interest Paradigm as the cornerstone for capitalism in the light of a personalist virtue ethics proposal" (with Kleio Akrivou)
Annual Conference of the Society for Business Ethics
Boston, USA (August 9-11, 2019)
Presentation: "An ethnographic study of culture in a post-acquisition institutional context in the U.K.: MacIntyrean practice struggling for survival" (with Oluyemisi Bolade-Ogunfodun and Kleio Akrivou)
2019 Research Management Learning and Education (RMLE) UNconference
University of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia (July 1-2, 2019)
Presentation: "Management education implications that arise from differing models of human development and self-theories as basis for management practice and their understanding of cognition. Revisiting Ghosal (with a new twist)" (with Kleio Akrivou)
EURAM 2019, European Academy of Management, Exploring the Future of Management: Facts, Fashion and Fado
Lisbon, Portugal (June 26-28, 2019)
Presentation: "Inter-processual integrity: A theoretical proposition of human agency that enables practical wisdom in the governance and management of business organizations" (With Kleio Akrivou)
II Jornada de Actualización, Institute for Business and Humanism
Pamplona, Spain (October 24-26, 2018)
Presentation: “Innovación, cultura y economía: Notas sobre el desarrollo humano”
XXIV Bibliographic Seminar, AEDOS
Madrid, Spain (October 23, 2018)
Presentation: "Racionalidad Económica: Fundamentos, Evolución y Sentido"
International Network in Ethics and Education, University of Peloponnesse
Corinth, Greece (October 17-18, 2018)
Presentation: “Τhe Inter-Processual Self”: A new interdisciplinary theory of Human Agency and Human Development: Ethical dimensions and virtues of educational leadership”
Annual Conference of the Society for Business Ethics
Chicago, USA (August 10-12, 2018)
Presentation: "Carlos Llano on Practical Wisdom," in Practical Wisdom in Business and Management
X International Conference on Catholic Social Thought & Business Education & VI Colloquium on Christian Humanism in Business & Society
Minneapolis, USA (June 21-23, 2018)
Presentation: "A Virtue Ethics Approach to Production" (with Miguel Alfonso Martínez-Echevarría)
Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC)
Guadalajara, Mexico (June 8-10, 2018)
Presentation: "Exploring Virtue Ethics' Contribution to Family Firms" (with Héctor Ramirez)
XXVI Congreso Internacional de EBEN (European Business Ethics Network)
Malaga, Spain (May 31-June 1, 2018)
Presentation: "Anthropology of Economics: Towards a Virtue Ethics Approach to Production" (with Miguel Alfonso Martínez-Echevarría)
IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Personalismo: "Personalismo, justicia y ciudadanía"
Puebla, Mexico (August 28-30, 2017)
Presentation: "Cibernética y racionalidad: Hacia una visión personalista de la empresa" (with Santiago García)
Academy of Management Annual Conference: "At the Interface"
Atlanta, USA (August 4-8, 2017)
Presentation: "Virtue Ethics in Business: Bridging the Interfaces Between Research, Teaching and Practice" (Profesional Development Workshop with A. Sison, D. Moosmayer, D. Koehn, M. Hühn, I. Ferrero, J. Pinto, C. Rodriguez-Lluesma, R. Roque, M. Alzola and A. Hennig)
Interdisciplinary Conference "Building Bridges in a Complex World"
Chania, Crete, Greece (6-8 July, 2017)
Presentation: Inter-processual integrity: A theoretical proposition of human integrity that enables governance with the capacity for “building bridges” via sustainable human relations on the basis of trust (with Kleio Akrivou).
Inclusive Growth Summit "Persona, Empresa y Sociedad"
IPADE Business School, Mexico (26-27 June, 2017)
Presentation: El Management como práctica: una aproximación a la naturaleza del trabajo directivo (with Santiago García)
VII Congreso Internacional sobre Educación Digital y Gestión del Talento Humano CIFCOM2017
Orlando, USA (16-18 May, 2017)
Presentation: ¿Entretenimiento masivo o aprendizaje significativo a distancia? El uso de las series de televisión como herramientas docentes para la enseñanza de la ética profesional en un curso masivo abierto a distancia (MOOC) (with María Teresa Nicolás and Armando Alemán)
Thematic Doctoral Consortium: “Enterprise Before and Beyond Benefit: A Transdisciplinary Research Agenda for Prosocial Organizing”, Ivey Business School, London, Canada (April 8-9, 2017).
Presentation: "The Logic of Gift: an Empirical Test"
V International Colloquium on Christian humanism in Economic and Business: "Christian Humanism Challenged by Poverty, Inequality and Injustice", Berlin (October 24-25, 2016).
Presentation: "Insights from Catholic Social Teaching on ecology and its relationship with economic and human development"
VI World Congress of the International Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics (ISBEE): Ethics, Innovation, and Well-Being in Business and the Economy, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, China (July 13-16, 2016)
Presentation: "The logic of gift and social capital in the early development of financial institutions in Spain"
Panel: "Business Ethics in Latin America"
II Congreso de Ética Profesional y Responsabilidad Social Universitaria, UNAM, Mexico (May 11-13, 2016)
Presentation: "Concepciones de ética profesional: la experiencia de los estudiantes de la Escuela de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales"
V ESHET Latin-American Conference on the History of Economic Thought, Santiago, Chile (November 25-27, 2015)
Presentation: "Suarez and Modern Economic Theory"
XII ALENE Latin- American Conference: Ethics, Innovation and Wellbeing in Latin America, Santiago, Chile (November 22-23, 2015)
Presentation: "Anthropological foundation of innovation and Nonaka on Practical Wisdom" (With Guillermo Fariñas)
IFERA Regional Forum, IPADE, Mexico (November 10-13 2015)
Working Paper: "Applying Nonaka´s model on Family business succession" (with María Galarza Heras)
Conference Prudent Business: Practical Wisdom for Managers, Humanistic Management Network and Weltethos Institut, Tüebingen, Germany (October 8-9, 2015).
Presentation: "Prudence as Part of a Worldview: Historical and conceptual dimensions"
EBEN Research Conference 2015: Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics, Copenhagen, Denmark (October 1-3, 2015).
Presentation: "Gift, Economics and Society"
International Workshop: Vigencia intelectual del siglo de oro. De la teología al hecho económico, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid, Spain (June 19, 2015).
Presentation: "Moral economics in Manuel Rodriguez"
IV International Colloquium on Christian humanism in Economic and Business, IESE, Barcelona, Spain (April 20-21, 2015).
Presentation: "Gift, Economics and Society. Elements for an open debate"
Conference to Faculty Staff, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico (20 March 2015).
Presentation: "Fundamentos antropológicos de la economía"
Graduation Ceremony, Universidad Panamericana, Aguascalientes, MExico (November 10, 2014).
Presentation: “El sentido universitario del trabajo y las riquezas”
Annual Academic Meeting, Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara, México (November 8, 2014).
Presentation: “Consistencia: más allá de la eficacia y la eficiencia. Una introducción al modelo organizacional de J. A. Pérez López”
International Seminar Leadership and Humanism Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, España (August 25, 2011).
Presentation: “Liderazgo servidor”
VII STOREP Conference The shifting boundaries between public and private in economics, University of Trento, Trento, Italy (July 2, 2010).
Presentation: “Aristotle on money”
VI Annual Conference. Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester (United Kingdom) (September 3, 2009).
Presentation: "Inquires into the genealogy of self- interest in Adam Smith. A neo-stoic approach"